01-4541985, 4538247, 4538317
नेपाल पारवहन तथा गोदाम व्यवस्था कम्पनी लिमिटेड Nepal Transit & Warehousing Co. Ltd. ( नेपाल सरकारको पूर्ण स्वामित्व भएको )
Branch Office, Custom Area, Birgunj
Tell: 051-521356, 051-621540
Tell/Fax : 0091-24496670
Contact Person: 

Ramesh Prasad Timilsina

Branch Manager

This Branch was established in 1986 at custom Boarder area.

Main Function

  • Boarder clearing of Nepalese imports and exports.
  • Guarantee undertaking for the movement of Nepalese private commercial vehicles from the Nepalese boarders to Kolkata, Haldia and back
  • Warehousing facilities for Nepalese goods in Birgunj & Raxual Nepal Siding.
Mr. Chhapiraj Pant Chairman
Mr. Prakash Prasad Pokharel General Manager