01-4541985, 4538247, 4538317
नेपाल पारवहन तथा गोदाम व्यवस्था कम्पनी लिमिटेड Nepal Transit & Warehousing Co. Ltd. ( नेपाल सरकारको पूर्ण स्वामित्व भएको )

Undertaking Services: According to the provisions of the Indo-Nepal Transit Treaty, Nepalese importers have to pay duty equal to the Indian customs duty on the Nepalese transit cargo in case of loss, pilferage etc. while in transit within the Indian territory. NTWC in lieu of this duty insurance provides guarantee-undertaking service for the import cargo of Nepal and Government owned undertakings from November 9, 1982.

Mr. Chhapiraj Pant Chairman
Mr. Prakash Prasad Pokharel General Manager